Monday, December 15, 2008

Summary of 2008

Year 2008 is going to end in another 2 more weeks,

For me, in the year of 2008, I start with work and study, successfully step into the
next level of LLB, and gets a laptop, holiday in Bali and langkawi and of course with some unhappy incident !!!

Honestly, at first, is really not use to be for my work and study life, but I promise to myself, I must do
it…To cover my expenses, reduce my parents burden, to buy whatever I like.

Now, is time to up set my plan and target for the year 2009, what to set? I am still considering….
Ha-Ha… Must set some thing that I can enforce it and of course all the best for my 2009 year exam… exam level become higher, add oil lo…

Yet, to my friend
Kathryn, maybe is a bad ending for you in 2008, but I believe there will be more
wonderful memory in the coming year… look forward!!!!

Of course, all the
Best wishes to all my beloved friends, throw all the unhappy memory in the
dustbin, tomorrow is a brand new day…Lets CHEER together!!!!

小分享/A quote to share :

“At the end, its not the years in your life
counts. It’s the life in your years.” Abraham Lincoln

生命, 不在乎於享壽多少年, 只在乎於真正活過多少年." 林肯

Monday, June 30, 2008



准备好后, 就去了酒店的café吃早餐了.

我们就出发了. 首先,我们的第一站就到达了celuk(
哲鲁),celuk 这里是出名于银制品,我们还在其中的一间店里了解到了如何制造出哪些光华又美丽的银制品,全是人工的呀!
Mas (马斯) ,它是一个木雕村出名于木雕制品. 也是人工的,雕的很美和栩栩如生! 必近哪些制品全是人工,所以价钱也很出色哦!!哈哈!! 还认识到了一种名为crocodile wood ,超美的呀!!!! 人间少有呀!!
我爸对crocodile wood的木雕还真一见钟情呢!!!
不知不觉的,午餐时间又到了,导游带了我们去 kintamani(金塔马尼)哪儿享用午餐,同时也可以欣赏雄壮观的巴杜尔的火山湖.哪儿的空气新鲜,
一阵阵的凉风吹来让人精神舒心,风景就如画一样,美及了!! 就好像位于马来西亚的Cameron
highland, 冷冷的感觉..
然后,另一个目的地就到达了 Tirtha Empul Temple,
哪儿的建筑屋是多么的壮观和美丽..那时候的相机也在忙个不停的拍照呀! 当然,过后的我们也少不了去游览Ubud 里的艺术街.
那可算是巴里岛一个很出名的观光地方. 导游也少不了带我们去一些地方去买纪念品,我们还被其中的一间给气到不卖了,很过分啦!
Dinner 就被带到一间中华料理,外表很美,
好啦,吃饱啦,逛街的时间有开始了. 又跑回去吃ice-cream,因为太美味了,要尝试不同的口味嘛! 哈哈!
对于晚餐的不满,有不饱,所以大伙儿就去了一间 seafood restaurant ,吃了很多海鲜如,龙虾,crab,sotong,and
etc. 也在哪儿聊天了,大家都很开心和enjoy !! be continued.......

Monday, June 23, 2008



0700am - 出发去LCCT

0830am- 到达LCCT。在麦当劳享用早餐。

            - 其它人也 陆陆续续的到起了
check in.

1050am  - 他们所搭的第一班机起飞了,而我搭的是另一班机,所以我就和其他


1120am -我们搭的飞机准时起飞。
1415am 到达了 DENPASAR机场。

1515am 用了一个小时的时间去过关和等行李,那时候的人实在太多了。这也让

1530am -去了一间餐馆用餐。因为大家饿坏了。满美味的!!!还吃了几百千
                  呢!! 别误会哦!!,那是印尼钱呀!! 哈哈!!!

1645am 到达了我们所住的酒店。DEWI

                  Check in hotel, 把所有的行李整理,洗个澡,休息片刻

1900am 出发去吃晚餐。。享用道地美食,
2015am 开始逛街了,一间一间的走,不过,还没开始购物,因为还有两天的

2130 am 发现了一间PUB ,里面卖 1 set cappuccino and tiramisu , 之需要
18000, 等于 RM 6++。。超便宜的吗!!!!毫不犹疑就进去

2200 am 一伙儿的脚底按摩去了。但不包括我自己啦!去照片那里看下他们的
2330 am ice -cream 啦!!很多不同的口味。。 美味及了!! Yummy!!!!     
0015 am 回房间梳洗了。
0030 am 和我哥再出来找吃了,尝了本地的快速面。
0100 am 回酒店,看了一会儿的电视,就不知不觉的睡着了!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008



Friday, April 11, 2008


2/2/2008星期六的5.45am,被我的手机的闹钟吵醒了,因为我必须跟我哥去实行马华志工团的活动.农历新年的来临, 所以马华志工团举行了些慈善活动去帮助哪些有需要帮助的人.而我也把我几位好友叫来帮忙, 所谓人多好办事!!!

时间大约7.30am,我们就到达了目地点了,我们也被吩咐去帮忙整理所有需要的东西..那里有很多柜台如: 流动诊所,儿童游戏间,贫穷申请柜台,和等等.........
人也陆陆续续的到来,也开始热闹起来了. 我就被分到贫穷申请柜台,发觉到真的很多人真的很需要帮助,我也尽量去帮助,不过倒是给一个无理取闹的家伙给
了一顿. 真是一个白痴,有不是没手没脚,不去找工作,已经31于岁了,女儿就学了,还要父母养了两年,而且还要来申请.也太羞耻了吧!!!! 反儿还不知自己的问题而来吗我.

当享受这年饭的时候,节目也被大会安排,: 歌唱表演,舞蹈表演 ,和等等..

没多久, 分发礼物的时间也到了,每个家庭都会得到一封红包,礼篮和下孩子读书用具,而且每为小孩子也会得到一封红包.过年嘛, 红包是必然得!!! 当所有的礼物和节目结束后,人群也解散了..

我们也要派上用场了,是时候收拾所有的东西,把学校清理干净. 学校后天还要上课的呢!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Happy New Year everybody!!! It might be too late for this
but it still January now…So, is not late yet!!! Haha!!
Is just a normal celebration for me at the last day of 2007.
Min fung, kean giap and leng boon are gather at my house to celebrate, this is
not a big party, just a normal dinner. We gamble and of course beer as our
drinks.. Sorry guys, if anything done not good such as mattress are not enough
for you all….haha
Finally, 2007 ended, all of us going to start our new life
and new aim. Recall back of 2007, it’s really past very fast, feel like I did
not perform all in a good way , but of course I am happy and enjoy my life even
sometimes I feel down of certain incidents. Obviously, I am happy with it does
not mean others are happy with it. They might think that I did not reach their target;
however, I only need to be accountability to myself. This only I can DO!!
Furthermore, I must said thanks to all who helps me when I
need help, console me when I am down, share happiness when I am happy, ant etc.
I will keep this by heart forever and I really appreciate with all. Thanks a
lot guys and sorry if I had troubling some one!!!
2007- I gain a lot of work experience, I celebrate my 21st
birthday party , I have my passport and went to Thailand for travel, I have a
new hp and a lot of gift from my birthday, Experience of treasure hunt, and
many more who make me stay happy. I would not mention all the sadness, because
all are out of my memory, not going to stay and stop at there.

In 2008, for sure that I wish all my dream can come true but
it needs a lot of fight and hard work to achieve, I don’t know whether I can
handle it successfully or not, but I will try my best!! Sujin….is time to wake
up and fight for it, don’t let others to look down on you and prove that YOU
CAN! Let’s fight!!!  Dare to dream and
let it become true!!!!

Therefore, is the time to stay happy and start a new life
from now onwards! Is pointless to keep thinking of sad memory…..

I am here to wish all of your all the best, happy always,
and good luck in 2008.

"The happiest people don't
necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything
that comes along their way."
